
The small. Foundation’s primary objective is to relieve poverty and suffering globally through the development, manufacture and distribution of transitional shelters made from recyclable and reusable resources including, in particular, plastic waste.
The Foundation is committed to tackling global environmental and social issues through the advancement of education of the public on matters relating to climate change, the circular economy, conservation, protection and improvement of the natural and built environment.
By bringing together those from disparate fields such as oil & gas, the drinks industry, leading universities, schools and innovative designers and tech start ups, the Foundation provides a dynamic platform for research & development, innovation, fabrication and real-world implementation of transitional shelters that can be used to help those displaced through natural disaster or other forms of civil unrest in their local territories.
Our aim is to create a new circular economy in the plastic economy and dovetail this work by providing practical solutions for upto 70 million displaced people around the world by putting the worlds plastic waste to hard work and educating society on how to build life saving emergency and transitional shelters for those who need them the most.
The small. Foundation is a not for profit entity.
To get involved with the small. Foundation, please email: ricky@sixmilesacrosslondon.com